2 years ago
20 changed files with 1188 additions and 67 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
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- |
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@ -0,0 +1,332 @@ |
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<view class="content fixed"> |
<image class="head" src="@/static/banner.png"> |
<view class="card area"> |
<view data-title="地块个数(个)"> |
<text class="value">326</text> |
<text class="plant-24gf-chartBarUpward"/> |
</view> |
<view data-title="地块总面积(亩)"> |
<text class="value">566.23</text> |
<text class="plant-mianji"/> |
</view> |
<view data-title="当前种植面积(亩)"> |
<text class="value">422.25</text> |
<text class="plant-chayuanmianji"/> |
</view> |
<view data-title="当前种植品种(种)"> |
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<view style="display:flex;"> |
<view class="card mana"> |
<view class="title"> |
<text class="plant-dikuaimianji"/> 地块管理 <text class="more">更多>></text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">西南角一号地块</text> <text>35亩</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">西南角一号地块</text> <text>35亩</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">西南角一号地块</text> <text>35亩</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="card mana"> |
<view class="title"> |
<text class="plant-cangkuguanliguanli"/> 仓库管理 <text class="more">更多>></text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">东方红一号仓库</text> <text>23㎡</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">东方红一号仓库</text> <text>23㎡</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text class="over">东方红一号仓库</text> <text>23㎡</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view style="display:flex;"> |
<view class="card stock" style="margin-right:0px;--c:#10C176;"> |
<view class="title">库存管理</view> |
<view class="item meansAgrProd">农资库存</view> |
<view class="item agrProd">农产品库存</view> |
</view> |
<view class="card stock" style="--c:#06b8f9;"> |
<view class="title">采购申请</view> |
<view class="item warehousing">入库管理</view> |
<view class="item lssue">出库管理</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="card base"> |
<view class="title"> |
基地管理 <text class="plant-xinjian">新建</text> |
</view> |
<view class="matter"> |
<text class="plant-jilu" style="--c:16, 193, 118;margin-right:40px;">农事记录</text> |
<text class="plant-tourupin" style="--c:6, 184, 249;">投入品</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>农事</text> <text>[示例]今日完成了草莓园浇水任务。</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>投入品</text> <text>[示例]今日完成了草莓园浇水任务。</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>投入品</text> <text>[示例]今日完成了草莓园浇水任务。</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
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data() { |
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<view class="card"> |
<view class="title">基本信息</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>基地名称</text> <text>A122323</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>地块编号</text> <text>东方红壹号基地</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>地块面积</text> <text>45亩</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>实际面积</text> <text>44亩</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item inline"> |
<text>地块图片</text> |
<view class="imgs"> |
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</view> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>使用日期</text> <text>2021-10-15 至 2026-12-23</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>经纬度</text> <text>东经97°31′,北纬21°8′</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item inline"> |
<text>详细地址</text> |
<view class="detail"> |
这里是地址信息这里是地址信息这里是地址信息这里是地址信息 |
</view> |
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import dForm from '@/components/form.vue' |
export default{ |
components:{dForm}, |
data(){ |
return{ |
fields:{ |
name:{label:"基地名称"}, |
code:{label:"地块编号"}, |
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area:{label:"地块面积(亩)"}, |
sjArea:{label:"实际面积"}, |
imgs:{label:"地块图片",type:"upImg"}, |
date:{label:"使用日期",type:"dateRange",value:[]}, |
jw:{label:"经/纬度"}, |
adder:{label:"详细地址",type:"textarea"}, |
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formData:{ |
name:"", |
date:[], |
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rules:{ |
date:{required:true, message:"日期必填!", trigger:"blue"} |
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methods:{ |
selectDate(e){ |
console.log(e,'-----e---------') |
switch(e.type){ |
case "start":this.fields.date.value[0]=e.value;break; |
case 'end':this.fields.date.value[1]=e.value;break; |
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<template> |
<view class="content"> |
<u-navbar @rightClick="rightClick" leftIconColor="#fff" :autoBack="true" bgColor="#10C176"> |
<view slot="center" style="color:#fff;">仓库管理</view> |
<view slot="right"> <text class="plant-xinjian" style="color:#fff;"/> </view> |
</u-navbar> |
<view class="search"> |
<u-icon name="search" color="#999999" size="20"/> |
<input placeholder="请输入搜索内容"/> |
<u-button type="primary" shape="circle" color="#10C176" text="搜索" size="mini"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view class="card item"> |
<image src="https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP-C.wc_dCG_KbIKZwMdtD3gL2QHaEt&w=313&h=199&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&o=6&pid=3.1&rm=2"/> |
<view class="info"> |
<view class="title">西南角1号仓库 <text class="plant-youbian"/></view> |
<view class="code">编号:A000001</view> |
<view class="area">地块面积:652亩</view> |
<view class="data"> |
<text>453</text> <text>(在用面积)</text> |
</view> |
<view class="btns"> |
<text class="plant-xiugai">修改</text> |
<text class="plant-shanchu">删除</text> |
<text class="plant-xinzeng">地块管理</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ |
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<view class="title">基本信息</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>仓库名称</text> <text>东方红一号仓库</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>仓库位置</text> <text>东方红一号基地进门右边冷库</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>仓库容量</text> <text>12</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>仓库类型</text> <text>冷库</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>仓库管理员</text> <text>张小红</text> |
</view> |
<view class="item"> |
<text>库管员电话</text> <text>12323443434</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
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export default{ |
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<script> |
import dForm from '@/components/form.vue' |
export default{ |
components:{dForm}, |
data(){ |
return{ |
fields:{ |
name:{label:"仓库名称"}, |
adder:{label:"仓库位置"}, |
size:{label:"仓库容量(㎡)",placeholder:"请输入仓库容量"}, |
type:{label:"仓库类型",type:"select",columns:[[{label:"标签1",id:1},{label:"标签2",id:2}]],keyName:"label",value:null}, |
manager:{label:"基地管理员"}, |
tel:{label:"管理员联系方式"}, |
imgs:{label:"仓库图片",type:"upImg"}, |
}, |
formData:{ |
name:"", |
}, |
rules:{ |
name:{required:true, message:"仓库名称必填!", trigger:["blur","change"]}, |
adder:{required:true, message:"仓库位置必填!", trigger:["blur","change"]}, |
}, |
} |
}, |
methods:{ |
}, |
} |
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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ |
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<view class="content fixed"> |
<u-navbar @rightClick="rightClick" leftIconColor="#fff" :autoBack="true" bgColor="#10C176"> |
<view slot="center" style="color:#fff;">仓库管理</view> |
<view slot="right"> <text class="plant-xinjian" style="color:#fff;"/> </view> |
</u-navbar> |
<view class="search"> |
<u-icon name="search" color="#999999" size="20"/> |
<input placeholder="请输入搜索内容"/> |
<u-button type="primary" shape="circle" color="#10C176" text="搜索" size="mini"></u-button> |
</view> |
<view class="card item"> |
<image src="https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP-C.wc_dCG_KbIKZwMdtD3gL2QHaEt&w=313&h=199&c=8&rs=1&qlt=90&o=6&pid=3.1&rm=2"/> |
<view class="info"> |
<view class="title">西南角1号仓库 <text class="plant-youbian"/></view> |
<view class="adder">种植基地进门右手边第3个</view> |
<view class="data"> |
<text>库存种类:x种</text> <text>库存量:xkg</text> <text>453㎡</text> |
</view> |
<view class="btns"> |
<text class="plant-xiugai">修改</text> |
<text class="plant-shanchu">删除</text> |
<text class="plant-chakan">查看库存</text> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
export default { |
} |
</script> |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 52 KiB |
Reference in new issue