2 years ago
2 changed files with 140 additions and 52 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
import * as THREE from 'three' |
import gsap from 'gsap' |
export default class Point extends THREE.Object3D{ |
#point |
#linePoints |
#line |
#popover |
#timeLine=gsap.timeline() |
constructor (position,popover){ |
super() |
this.#linePoints=[ |
[115*position.lan, 0.7, 115*position.lng], |
[115*(position.lan -0.01), 6, 115*position.lng], |
[115*(position.lan -0.2), 6, 115*position.lng], |
] |
this.#popover=popover |
this.refesh() |
this.#timeLine=gsap.timeline() |
this.#timeLine.pause() |
var line1={x:this.#linePoints[0][0],y:this.#linePoints[0][1]} |
this.#timeLine.to(line1,{x:this.#linePoints[1][0],y:this.#linePoints[1][1], duration:0.3,onUpdate:()=>{ |
this.#line.geometry.setAttribute("position",new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([ |
...this.#linePoints[0], |
line1.x,line1.y,this.#linePoints[1][2] |
],3)) |
}}) |
var line2={x:this.#linePoints[1][0]} |
this.#timeLine.to(line2,{x:this.#linePoints[2][0], duration:0.7,onUpdate:()=>{ |
this.#line.geometry.setAttribute("position",new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([ |
...this.#linePoints[0], |
...this.#linePoints[1], |
line2.x,this.#linePoints[2][1],this.#linePoints[2][2] |
],3)) |
},onComplete:()=>{ |
this.#popover.position.set(...this.#linePoints[2]) |
this.#popover.visible=true |
}}) |
} |
#update(){ |
const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 0.7, 20, 20 ); |
const material = new THREE.MeshPhysicalMaterial( { |
clearcoat: 1.0, |
clearcoatRoughness: 0.4, |
metalness: 0.8, |
roughness: 0.5, |
color: 0x69E7FC, |
emissive:0x24BBD4, |
flatShading:false, |
normalScale: new THREE.Vector2( 0.15, 0.15 ), |
}); |
this.#point=new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material) |
this.#point.position.set(...this.#linePoints[0]) |
var lineGeometry=new THREE.BufferGeometry() |
// lineGeometry.setAttribute('position',new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute([
// ...this.#linePoints[0],
// ...this.#linePoints[1],
// ...this.#linePoints[2],
// ],3))
var lineMaterial=new THREE.LineBasicMaterial() |
this.#line=new THREE.Line(lineGeometry,lineMaterial) |
// this.#line.visible=false
this.add(this.#line) |
} |
refesh(){ |
this.dispose() |
this.#update() |
} |
dispose(){ |
for(var {geometry,material} of this.children){ |
geometry.dispose() |
material.dispose() |
} |
while (this.children[0]){ |
this.remove(this.children[0]) |
} |
} |
async show(){ |
await this.#timeLine.play() |
} |
hide(){ |
this.#popover.visible=false |
this.#timeLine.reverse(null, false) |
} |
out(){ |
this.#point.scale.set(1,1,1) |
} |
hover(){ |
this.#point.scale.set(1.4,1.4,1.4) |
} |
get mesh(){ |
return this.#point |
} |
get time(){ |
return this.#timeLine |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue